'Wut, Death Star-ians cannot read Harry Potters?'

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Once broken, u pay la, wat else xD

If im telling u i have been involved in a car accident , u may probrably think (Yr driving skill suxx man, What a noob you are xD, Rly arr? How Come xD) And anything u may complain about my driving skills etc! But, i can tell u that i'm just a ordinary car driver that obeyed and followed the traffic rules, and yet my car was being thrashed from behind, and yet it was a policeman who did it! A few seconds before the bastard crashed my car, i could hear the 'screeeeeech' sound(Braking sound) and i looked at the side mirror of my car, it was a police mobile which was speeding along my lane and did not realized that there was bumper-to-bumper situation in front, everything was like slow-motioned by the seconds my car got ass-banged. And here's a few pics of my rides after the accident:Of course, not this one, LOL xD

Is these x) :

Im sure u will wonder why my car's front bumper and cover get crashed too, as i told u it was bumper-to-bumper situation, the police mobile banged me with quite a high speed from behind and as a result, the car infront me was also Get-Pawned xD.
Raymond enjoyed striking my car bumper with his 'Kotetsu' and stupid helmet.

Of course, the policeman paid the repairing fees for both of us to settle this xD. Brand new bumper~ walalalalalalaa~~


Anonymous said...

policeman who did it!
you should bold this

R3c0n Arm3r xD said...

LOL, good idea xD